I am a practicing facilitator of Community Building and Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD).
I love the challenge of finding creative ways to engage people, on their terms, so they can meaningfully get involved in their communities.
Before joining the Forever Manchester family in 2018, I spent eight years’ delivering alternative education to young people and am particularly experienced in working with those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Why I chose this career…
I didn’t choose this career, this career chose me. All my roles have enabled me to support people in one way or another. I have always been aware of the great work that Forever Manchester do in our local communities and was fascinated when the opportunity to be a community builder turned up. It’s a unique role that Forever Manchester created to complement our existing work in communities. Working for Forever Manchester has allowed me to work with people from all walks of life, and fulfil my desire to champion individuals in a community.
Places I love…
While I’m Manchester born and bred, I spend as much of my spare time as I can in the great outdoors in my tent, hammock, or blow-up kayak. I enjoy being in nature and learning about what items can be foraged and their abundant uses. . I especially enjoy learning about the medicinal uses of plants such as Plantain-Ribworth and Broadleaf, whose leaves contain antihistamine, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties and can even stop bleeding!
The project I’m most proud of…
There are so many to mention! The projects that make me most proud are when the people I work with realise and unleash their full potential and achieve great things for their community. By working on the ground in communities and seeing everyone’s talents, passions, and interests first hand, makes me realise how much an individual has to contribute to their own community.
0161 214 0940