Albion Square is a prime site in Hull city centre. With three derelict buildings and a car park, the site did not fulfil its social, economic and financial potential, and it was a blight on the city’s retail core.
Hull City Council proposed a £130m mixed-use scheme for this site, including retail, residential, commercial and leisure uses. Most notably the scheme included a modern and fit for purpose Ice Arena. The Ice Arena would replace a much-loved existing facility on the edge of town which was beyond its useful life.
The proposals would bring more people into the city, including residents and visitors, strengthen the retail offer and increase spend, provide a world class leisure facility and provide high quality city centre living.
Our role included:
- An economic impact assessment for the whole scheme which supported a successful planning application.
- Inputs to a Local Growth Fund Bid to Humber LEP to support site acquisition and preparation works.
- An Outline Business Case (HM Treasury Green Book compliant) for the whole scheme to support further funding applications for the Ice Arena element of the scheme.
Our work included advice on strategies to maximise the social value of this development and inclusive economic growth. This was informed by our wider work in Hull on a Community Led Local Development (CLLD), which aimed to address social and economic inequalities in the city.