Capturing community feedback to inform new developments is important to Clarion Housing Group. They asked us to support them to undertake meaningful engagement with many of their forthcoming developments.
The engagement strategy is unique to each development but typically includes:
- Setting up an online community engagement platform. Here we provide information about Clarion, plans about the development, and a platform for people to share their views. We use several tools to increase engagement, such as surveys, dropping a pin on a map to highlight areas of interest, and bespoke question and answer functions.
- Stakeholder and asset mapping. Here we map key local stakeholders and community assets which are relevant to the development. This helps identify key groups to engage and highlight potential sensitivities around the plans.
- In-person and online workshops. This is an opportunity to share further information about the plans and gain feedback.
- Raising awareness of the proposed development and engagement activities. We’ve used different strategies to promote the projects including targeted social media advertising campaigns, leaflet design and drop, adverts in local papers and promoting through those identified in the stakeholder and asset mapping.